The gOS Update Manager

As you may have guessed in order to update your gOS Rocket system you must be connected to the internet. On the menu you can select the Update Manager by left clicking on the desktop and selecting Applications --- Administration --- Update Manager.

 update manager in the gos menu

Now we see this window indicating that the Update Manager is starting. Also a description of what software updates d for you and a status bar appear on this window

 starting update manager

When the Update Manager has loaded we see 10 updates are available to be installed on my system. They are listed out in the display window with check boxes to the left side. Unchecking one of these boxes would exclude that update.


If we select an update from the list and click the description of update expanding arrow we can see the Changes and Description tabs that give us more information about the selected update. Selecting the Check button will make the Update Manager check for new updates and selecting Install Updates will do just that.

 Before updates can be installed we must enter the root password and click Okay.

 enter root password

 Confirm the changes we want to make after reviewing the summary. Click Apply.

 apply changes

 Now we can see the download progress


The next window shows the changes being applied to your gOS Rocket system.

 applying changes

And finally a confirmation message that the update has been complete.

 update complete