FTP: chroot Local User
Server Training - FTP Server

One particular problem is that users will log in and then have read access to the entire server. They will log in and use the command  cd .. which will take them to the /home directory and then on to the / directory. You do not want all users to be able to do this as it presents  a security issue. So restrict them by holding them to their directory only.

Lesson 3 / Lesson 5

You will need to edit the /etc/vsftpd.conf file in order to make changes.

Restrict Users to their home directory

This setting will restrict all local users to their home directories, which is a good idea for ftp.

Now if you want to create a list of those who are not restricted here are the settings in vsftpd.conf:

If you choose this option, you can then setup users to not chroot by placing them is a file called: /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list You may have to create the file.



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