Gmail Inbox Using Thunderbird

Of course you can open the Firefox web browser and head on over to to check your email however that will take you quite a few more steps and considerable more time than setting it up through a desktop email client like Mozilla Thunderbird. Setting your Gmail account up so that messages are populated inside Thunderbird also allows you to use preferences and options that make Thunderbird great while reading and composing email.

To open Thunderbird email client select Applications --- Internet --- Thunderbird Mail/News

thunderbird in the gOS rocket menu

The first screen we see gives us the option of importing account settings, preferences or other information. I have selected don't improt anything and selected Next.

import settings

Now we need to setup our new account with Thunderbird by specifying what kidn of accoutn it is. i have selected Gmail and clicked Next.

account wizard

Now we need to establish an identity we've already created with Gmail. So enter the name and Email address of your Gmail account

enter user name


 Now we just need to confirm the information we have entered. And we may also check the box to download messages from our Gmail account now.

verify iformation is correct

Click Finish when you're done and then you'll be prompted for the email password for your Gmail account.

enter your gmail password

 Please be aware for this to work you must go to your Gmail settings and make sure that POP is enabled. As you can see from the screen shot below my POP status was disabled by default.

pop options