Apache Web Server Roadblock Inquiry
We are going to create an Apache web server series in which we want to cover 4 major topics, but before we put it into action we want to get feedback from the community on issues you have experienced with Apache or topics you think need to be covered. We are considering either using CentOS or Ubuntu for the series so we would like your opinion on that as well. You can provide input using Twitter, the comments area below (recommended) or send an email to mike at beginlinux.com.
The Apache Server
This section would cover the basics of installation and set up for Apache. It would also provide information on how to install modules and make changes to the Apache performance. People may be wanting to either reduce the use of RAM and CPU cycles or trying to get the most out of the hardware that they are using.
Virtual Hosting
We want to cover two types of virtual hosting, name based hosting and IP based hosting as well as the reasons for using each option. Want we want to do in the series is show you how to actually do it by creaitng multiple sites, entering content and then watching Apache do the job to making it all work.
Special Features
Special features would include creating restricted folders, setting up .htaccess files and creating SSL Certificates both self-signed and ones you purchase. Many people do not realize that .htaccess files actually cut down on your server performance and you could easily place those settings in your httpd.conf or apache2.conf files, that is if you have a dedicated server. If you are with a hosting company then .htaccess is your way to use your own settings.
This section would cover how to install PHP, MYSQL and Apache and then hook them together to build an interactive site. The goal would be to install WordPress and maybe Joomla as examples of the LAMP server. The actual process to make this all come together is straightforward but there are a lot of little things that can trip you up. One goal here would be to teach you how to create, use and backup your MySQL databases.
So we welcome your input as we want to provide you with information that will help solve problems for you.
I have had terrible problems with certificates…I would like to see some work on this.
Sure…we will look at both how to create self-signed certificates and also the real ones.
I understand that PHP is incredibly widespread, so it makes sense to delve deeper into it. However, I think it would be educational to at least comment on old and new alternatives like Python, Ruby, Perl, etc. Just so people know what’s out there.
Can include or touch on the subject of security and especially ModSecurity.
Prefer Ubuntu over CentOS but Debian would be better.
Good idea. I am a real fan of ModSecurity but I know that many people have a real struggle getting it going. Once the Apache series is over we may consider doing a very practical series on how to implement ModSecurity for specific situations. That said we will put some of the Apache series time into security, especially as it relates to turning off some options with PHP and protecting MySQL as those both are important part of running a server with Apache.