Dia Creative Diagram
Desktop Apps Training - Dia

Lesson 7 / Lesson 9

Here's an example of a simple diagram you can use as a base to build on. It works well for dividing resposiblities or other roles that define a team. Dia has so many different shapes that you can use right out of the box that it makes it easy to add some creativity to your diagrams.

First lets setup the layers so that you have one balled background at the bottoma and another on top called Puzzle Pieces.

Layers in Dia

Insert an image using the toolbox image icon. Double click the boken image and select an image file location by clicking Browse.

Insert image

I chosen to use this wooden texture as my background.

Background for Dia


Next select Jigsaw from the shapes menu.

Jigsaw shapes in Dia

With jigsaw shapes selected lets create a few jigsaw pices. Click and drag them into place across the canvas.

Puzzle pieces

Add text by clicking in the pieces and typing then add color by double clicking and setting the fill color.

Colored Pieces

This is a creative example of a web development group displayed as a diagram.