Server Daemons Course Server Daemons is a course designed to provide the student with the tools necessary to manage a Linux Server. Each student will have a weekly session one-on-one with a certified instructor to help answer questions and demonstrate principles. This is a 4 week course. The course includes a 550 page Paper Manual shipped to the student which is 8.5 x 11" lay flat. This manual contains 40 labs that students can work through with practical applications. Each student is provided with a live server to work on for the class time. Also shipped is a CD with 63 Flash movies with voice showing you how to manage a server.
Available for Ubuntu 8.10 or CentOS 5 Regularly: $299.95
Interactive Features: Live Voice Discussion All students can hear and speak to the instructor. No phone is necessary. Your phone line is kept open. A voice server will be used so that voice service is free. View Instructor Demonstrations Students may view a number of multimedia presentations and demonstrations from the instructor's desktop. Linux Training sessions provide the same learning opportunities as a physical classroom setting. Linux demonstrations are live interactive with the instructor and provide the opportunity to ask questions. Linux Training Server to Learn on Each student will be provided a real Linux server to work on during the class. This provides students with real skill development as they work through the class. Students will also be shown how to use VMWare Player and install a virtual machine so they learn how to build RAID and LVM on a virtual machine. Almost 40 Interactive Labs Students will have 40 labs to complete to develop Linux administration skills. These labs are step-by-step in completing the necessary tasks to become a Linux Administrator. Unlimited Email Support Students will have unlimited email support during the 4 weeks so they can ask questions of the instructor. Ongoing Support for Linux Administrators Students who register for this Linux Training Course will have continual support through our Live Training Network where they can take live classes for for free for 3 months...that is access to 72 Live Classes! Who else offers that kind of support? Check the calendar for past classes that we have offered. Here are additional Linux Server Administration classes that are offered. All Linux Admin classes can be taken with an Ubuntu emphasis or CentOS. Live Class Descriptions: Linux Server Management - course focus on running a Linux Server correctly (Ubuntu 8.04 or CentOS 5), see class outline below. Linux Server Daemons - course focus on step-by-step install of servers (Ubuntu 8.04 or CentOS 5), installation and management of web servers, DNS servers, mail servers, DHCP,SSH, FTP,etc.
Self-Teach Packages: Linux Server Management - course focus on running a Linux Server correctly (Ubuntu 8.04 or CentOS 5), see class outline below. Linux Server Daemons - course focus on step-by-step install of servers (Ubuntu 8.04 or CentOS 5), installation and management of web servers, DNS servers, mail servers, DHCP,SSH, FTP,etc. Here is the course description for Linux Server Daemons. If you are interested in the Linux Server Management take the Linux Server Management class. Course Content for Linux Server Daemons: Labs Highlighted in Green Outline Categories in Blue SELinux SELinux Decision Making Process Lab 19.1: Review SELinux Settings Using setroubleshoot Lab 19.2: Load and Test setroublshoot Apache Server New Features in Apache 2.0 Main Configuration Files httd.conf Lab 19.3 Apache Install and Configuration Modules SELinux with Apache LAB 19.4: Managing SELinux with Apache Loading Additional Modules Making Modifications to Apache Performance Tuning Lab 19.5 Performance Tuning Configuring the Number of Servers Log Files Lab 19.6 Viewing and Searching Logs Virtual Hosting Lab 19.7 Virtual Hosts for a Web Server IP Based Hosting MIME Type Adding a MIME Type Index Files Access Control Password Authentication Lab 19.8 Create a Restricted Folder .htaccess File Setup CGI Enable CGI scripts Enhancing CGI Scripts Start / Stop / Restart Apache Start Apache at boot Intro to SSL What the Process of SSL Provides SSL Communication Encryption Configuration Unsigned SSL Certificate Creating an SSL Certificate Process of Setting Up Certificate Lab 19.9 Create a Self-Signed Certificate Add SSL to Apache Use Pre-Existing Keys Upgrading an Older Server Generate New Keys Install PHP Lab 19.10 Install PHP MySQL Lab 19.11 MySQL Basics Lab 19.12 MySQL Checks Joomla Content Management Installation Lab 19.13 Joomla Install Joomla Security Lab 19.14 Securing Joomla Squid Proxy Server Important Locations Runat Startup Hardware Requirements Visible Hostname Administrative Contact Lab 20.1 Basic Squid Set Up Regular Expressions Lab 20.2 Using Regular Expressions Authentication for Squid Lab 20.3 Authenticating to Squid VSFTP Server Security Issues With FTP Lab 21.1 Basic VSFTP Setup Setting a umask FILE PERMISSIONS Create Anonymous Login Controlling Access Access Control With tcp_wrappers Lab 21.2 Enable Local Access Only Create Warning Banner Set Up Virtual FTP vsftp Man Page vsftpd Company Example /etc/hosts.allow Security Options Start the Server Server Listening Configure the Firewall Bastille Firewall Logging In as User Graphical Login Limiting Users Anonymous Server Setup Anonymous Directory Create a Login Banner Lab 21.3 Create Server with Anonymous Logins Anonymous Login iptables Firewall VSFTPD ans SELinux Lab 21.4 Enhance Security Settings Network File System Uses for NFS Quick Start LAB 22.1 Basic NFS Set Up LAB 22.2 Basic NFS Set Up with GUI Sendmail Server Sendmail Introduction Mail Server Basics Mail Access Protocols Sendmail Basic Install Sendmail Foundations Foundation #1: Configuration Files Foundation #2: The Queue Foundation #3: Aliases Lab 23.1 Mail Exercise How Sendmail Works Setting the Operating Mode Daemon Mode Queue Mode Verbose Mode Major Configuration Files Creating VirtualUsers Allowing Network Connections Sendmail Security Monitor Security Issues M4 Processor How to Use the M4 Processor Control SPAM Deny Relaying Use the Access Database access Leave Spammer a Message Use a Blackhole List Service Reducing Spam and Attack by Limiting IP Addresses Stop User Replys to SPAM Lab 23.2 Testing the Basic Setup Check Mail Stats Undeliverable Mail Mail Stats Testing an Address Mail Does Not Send Rejected Mail Lab 23.3 Sendmail Practical DNS Server How DNS Works Delegation named.conf Zone File Examples DNS Server DNS Service DNS Client DNS Server Design Options Statement Zone Statements Create a Zone Statement Mail Requirements Graphical Tools Fully Qualified Domain Name hosts Hierarchical Structure Top Level Domains Name Servers Zones vs Domains Types of Name Servers Registering a Domain Lame Server Forwarding Test DNS Settings Creating a chroot Jail Install the Jail Configure the Jail Lab 24.1 DNS Step By Step Install Practical Samba Server Samba Introduction Samba Install and Start smb.conf testparm Sections in smb.conf Create Shared Directory LAB 24.1 Create a Public Share NetBIOS and WINS Browsing the Network Creating User Accounts Home Directories LAB 24.2 Manage Home Directories Managing Groups LAB 24.3 Manage Groups Recycle Bin LAB 24.4 Create a Recycle Bin Variables LAB 24.5 Using Variables Virtual Samba Servers Network Access Options LAB 24.6 Network Access Printing Privileges DHCP Server Basic Tips LAB 25.1 DHCP Server Iptables Command Conventions Direction of Packet Flow Tables, Chains and Targets Rule Targets Chain Functions Listing Tables Deleting User-defined Chains Flushing Tables Setting the Default Policy Matching Source IP Addresses Matching Destination IP Address Controlling Port Matches Matching Protocol Saving iptables Lab 26.1 Basic iptables Lab 26.2 Securing a Samba Server Lab 26.3 Prevent SSH Attack NAT MASQUERADE SNAT DNAT REDIRECT Firewall Piercing Protocols A Simple Triple-Homed NAT Configuration Packet Filtering Packet Mangling filter Chains filter Targets A Triple-homed Packet Filtering Configuration A Triple-homed Packet Filtering Configuration Script Packet Forwarding Filters A Triple-homed Packet Forwarding Configuration Script Host Security Host Packet Filtering Configuration Script Save and Restore Stream Filtering Utilities The stderr redirector tee tac cut paste join sort expand unexpand streams head tail od uniq wc fmt split tr xargs Regular Expressions sed grep Wildcard ls