Server Club Packages
Server Training - Server Administration

Server Club Packages

Server Packages provide you with training resources in the form of online text, movies, quizzes, projects and downloadable PDFs that contain specific HOW TOs. In addition you will have access to the forum which will provide those who have purchased packages priority to our trained and certified instructors. This is your opportunity to learn about Linux Servers with a live practice server, the training you need and quick support for questions. You may choose Centos or Ubuntu. server

Basic Server Package $69 (1 month access)

This is a self-paced comprehensive package that includes all of the resources you will need to learn how to setup and manage a Linux Server. This package includes almost 100 Labs that you can work on with your practice server and step-by-step documentation to follow. You will also be able to download almost 1400 pages of how tos with this package. This really is a comprehensive learning package that is self-paced with support from our forum, online content, movies, quizzes and PDFs.

Resources include:
* Live Server with root Access to Practice On
You will have access to a live server that you can build a web server, mail server, etc. with root access. The only way you can really learn Linux administration is with a live server. You will have your choice of Centos or Ubuntu for the server.

* Server Maintenance Online Course
This online course provides you with a complete step-by-step guide in how to manage a Linux Server with almost 50 Labs that take you step by step through each process. This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Server Daemons Online Course
This online course will provide you with all of the detail you need including almost 50 Labs for setting up server daemons (mail servers, web servers, dns servers, dhcp servers, etc.). This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Quick Answers to Questions in Online Forum
Club members will get priority answers to their questions in the support forum from our certified trainers.


Intermediate Server Package $199 (3 months access) CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

This is a self-paced comprehensive package that includes all of the resources you will need to learn how to setup and manage a Linux Server. You will have access to the class material and practice server for 3 months. This package includes almost 100 Labs that you can work on with your practice server and step-by-step documentation to follow. You will also be able to download almost 1600 pages of how tos with this package. This really is a comprehensive learning package that is self-paced with support from our forum, online content, movies, quizzes and PDFs.

Resources include:
* Live Server with root Access to Practice On
You will have access to a live server that you can build a web server, mail server, etc. with root access. The only way you can really learn Linux administration is with a live server. You will have your choice of Centos or Ubuntu for the server.

* Server Maintenance Online Course
This online course provides you with a complete step-by-step guide in how to manage a Linux Server with almost 50 Labs that take you step by step through each process. This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Server Daemons Online Course
This online course will provide you with all of the detail you need including almost 50 Labs for setting up server daemons (mail servers, web servers, dns servers, dhcp servers, etc.). This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Postfix Mail Server Course
Postfix is rapidly becoming the mail server of choice for Linux. This is a comprehensive course that will take you through the setup and design of a Postfix Mail Server with ClamAV and SpamAssassin. This course contains movies to illustrate many of the features of setting up Postfix. See Course Detail Below.

* Quick Answers to Questions in Online Forum
Club members will get priority answers to their questions in the support forum from our certified trainers.

Advanced Server Package $349 (3 months access) CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

This is a self-paced comprehensive package that includes all of the resources you will need to learn how to setup and manage a Linux Server. You will have access to the class material and practice server for 3 months. This package includes almost 100 Labs that you can work on with your practice server and step-by-step documentation to follow. You will also be able to download almost 1600 pages of how tos with this package. This really is a comprehensive learning package that is self-paced with support from our forum, online content, movies, quizzes and PDFs.

Resources include:
* Live Server with root Access to Practice On
You will have access to a live server that you can build a web server, mail server, etc. with root access. The only way you can really learn Linux administration is with a live server. You will have your choice of Centos or Ubuntu for the server.

* Server Maintenance Online Course
This online course provides you with a complete step-by-step guide in how to manage a Linux Server with almost 50 Labs that take you step by step through each process. This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Server Daemons Online Course
This online course will provide you with all of the detail you need including almost 50 Labs for setting up server daemons (mail servers, web servers, dns servers, dhcp servers, etc.). This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Postfix Mail Server Course
Postfix is rapidly becoming the mail server of choice for Linux. This is a comprehensive course that will take you through the setup and design of a Postfix Mail Server with ClamAV and SpamAssassin. This course contains movies to illustrate many of the features of setting up Postfix. See Course Detail Below.

* Firewall Course
This is a complete course covering the security of network and the server. You will receive multiple courses that cover iptables, bridge firewalls, and IPCop firewall. You will be given access to an IPCop box for part of the class. Class Content:
Introduction to Firewalls
Classless Inter-Domain Routing
Hardware for a Firewall
Firewall Kernel
Network COnfiguration
Network Address Translation

* Quick Answers to Questions in Online Forum
Club members will get priority answers to their questions in the support forum from our certified trainers.


Advanced Package with Server Virtualization $549 (3months) CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

This is a self-paced comprehensive package that includes all of the resources you will need to learn how to setup and manage a Linux Server. You will have access to the class material and practice server for 3 months. This package includes almost 100 Labs that you can HOW TOs with this package. This really is a comprehensive learning package that is self-paced with support from our forum, online content, movies, quizzes and PDFs.

Resources include:
* Live Server with root Access to Practice On
You will have access to a live server that you can build a web server, mail server, etc. with root access. The only way you can really learn Linux administration is with a live server. You will have your choice of Centos or Ubuntu for the server.

* Server Maintenance Online Course
This online course provides you with a complete step-by-step guide in how to manage a Linux Server with almost 50 Labs that take you step by step through each process. This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Server Daemons Online Course
This online course will provide you with all of the detail you need including almost 50 Labs for setting up server daemons (mail servers, web servers, dns servers, dhcp servers, etc.). This course includes movies with voice, quizzes, and projects. See Course Detail Below.

* Postfix Mail Server Course
Postfix is rapidly becoming the mail server of choice for Linux. This is a comprehensive course that will take you through the setup and design of a Postfix Mail Server with ClamAV and SpamAssassin. This course contains movies to illustrate many of the features of setting up Postfix. See Course Detail Below.

* Firewall Course
This is a complete course covering the security of network and the server. You will receive multiple courses that cover iptables, bridge firewalls, and IPCop firewall. You will be given access to an IPCop box for part of the class. Class Content:
Introduction to Firewalls
Classless Inter-Domain Routing
Hardware for a Firewall
Firewall Kernel
Network COnfiguration
Network Address Translation

* OpenVZ Course
The OpenVZ course will be separate from the other courses and will provide you with a separate server running OpenVZ. You will learn how to setup and manage server virtualization.

Virtual Server TrainingVirtualization Comparison

Single Kernel
RAM for Host
Graphical Interface
Hosts Per Server

Why Choose OpenVZ? (taken from the website)

1. OS Virtualization
From the point of view of applications and Virtual Environment users, each VE is an independent system. This independency is provided by a virtualization layer in the kernel of the host OS. Note that only a negligible part of the CPU resources is spent on virtualization (around 1-2%).

2. Network virtualization
The OpenVZ network virtualization layer is designed to isolate VEs from each other and from the physical network

3. Resource Management
OpenVZ resource management controls the amount of resources available for Virtual Environments. The controlled resources include such parameters as CPU power, disk space, a set of memory-related parameters, etc.

4. Two-Level Disk Quota
Host system (OpenVZ) owner (root) can set up a per-VE disk quotas, in terms of disk blocks and i-nodes (roughly number of files). This is the first level of disk quota. In addition to that, a VE owner (root) can use usual quota tools inside own VE to set standard UNIX per-user and per-group disk quotas.

5. Fair CPU scheduler
CPU scheduler in OpenVZ is a two-level implementation of fair-share scheduling strategy.

6. User Beancounters
User beancounters is a set of per-VE counters, limits, and guarantees. There is a set of about 20 parameters which are carefully chosen to cover all the aspects of VE operation, so no single VE can abuse any resource which is limited for the whole node and thus do harm to another VEs.

* Quick Answers to Questions in Online Forum
Club members will get priority answers to their questions in the support forum from our certified trainers.



Server Maintenance Course

Server Daemons Course

Labs Highlighted in Green
Outline Categories in Blue

Historical Development of Linux
Researching Distributions
The Choice of an Enterprise Server
Finding Help
Tasks of a Linux Administrator
The Boot Process
Init Process
Startup Scripts
rc.d Directory
Lab 2.1 : List Current Services Listed in /etc/rc.d/init.d
Run Scripts at Startup
Interactive Startup
Configuration of the Boot Process
Reboot and Shut Down
Lab 2.2 : Shutting Down Correctly and Restarting
Managing Services
Lab 2.3 : Managing Services
Practice 2.4: Changing init
The root User
Access Control
root Login
Setuid and setgid
Lab 3.1: Setting the SUID Bit
How to Use su root
Lab 3.2: Checking the PATH
Lab 3.3: Set Up sudoers
Process Management
Managing Processes
Creation of Process
Signals 38
How to Kill Processes
Process States
/proc File System
Tracing System Calls
Dealing with Wild Processes
Managing the File System
Mounting/Unmounting File Systems
A Linux Standard
File Types
File Permissions
setuid and setgid bits
Lab 5.1: Control Group Ownership with SGID
sticky bit
File Attributes
Change File Permissions - chmod
Change Ownership – chown
Lab 5.2: Understanding the /proc Directory
Managing Users
Lab 6.1: Change User Information
Creating Users
Files When a User is Created
Password Control
Check Password
Lab6.2 : Add a User in Text Mode
Deleting Users and Data
Change File Ownership
Communication With Users
Managing Users From the GUI
User and Group Security
Attack Source
Monitoring User Activity with psacct
Managing Quotas
quota Commands
Start Quotas
Setup User Quotas
Setup group Quotas
Create Profiles
Turn Quotas Off
Maintain Quotas
Lab 7.1 : User Quotas
Lab 7.2 : Group Quotas

Managing System Logs
Special Log Files
View System Logs
Log Watch
Create a New alias
Create Remote Logs
View Remote Files
Altered Log Files
Security Steps for Logs
Modify Log Output
Add Program Logs
Lab 8.2 Log Management
Managing Hard Drives
IDE Drives
Sata Drives
Drive Geometry
Swap Space
Formatting Floppy Drives
Using fdisk to Create Partitions
Listing Partitions With fdisk
View Partitions
Delete Partitions
All Partitions Deleted
New Partition Created
File System Formats
Mounting Drives
Enhancing Hard Drive performance
Add an Additional Device
Lab 9.1: Checking Hard Drive Performance
Lab 9.2: Create RAID 5 with LVM

Managing Backups
Backup Media
Using tar
Search the Contents of a tar File
Simple tar Script
Using dd to Clone Drives
Build an Image Server
Check Free Space
Lab 10.1 Simple tar Backup
Lab 10.2 Backup /home Directory
Lab 10.3 Backup /home Directory with Script
Lab 10.4 rsync
Lab 10.5 Backup /home Directory with Script

Managing Automated Actions
Using at
Lab 11.1: Using at
Lab 11.2: Backup

Using cron
Managing Updates
yum Log
yum Repositories
Install New Programs
Remove Programs
Basic Networking
LAN - Local Area Network
WAN - Wide Area Network
OSI Layers
Ethernet Media
Network Design
Network Relationship
Using Network Commands
Important Network Files
Webmin: Remote Access
Lab 12.1 : Webmin Security
Lab 12.2 : Webmin Options

VNC Remote Access
Create Users
Start the Server
Set VNC Server to be On at Boot
Client Login
Lab 13.1 : VNC Server
SSH – Secure Remote Access
SSH Files and Locations
SSH Basics
Generate a Key Pair
Permissions for .ssh Directory
Preventing Man in the Middle
Known Hosts
Making Connections
Initializing a Connection to a Server
Transfer Files Using scp
Transfer Remote File to Local Machine
Transfer a Directory to Remote Server
Using sftp for Secure File Transfer
Remote X Window With SSH
Change Port Number on Client
Connect With Keys Only
Project: SSH Connect Without Passwords
Change Port Number on Client
Config File
Transferring Files With FileZilla
Connecting With FileZilla
LAB 14.5: SSH Move Directories
Kernel Development
How to Configure the Kernel
LAB 17.1: Tune Kernel Parameters
Load Drivers and Modules into an Existing Kernel on the Fly
Practice: Add and Remove a Module
Practice: Load All SCSI Drivers
Build a New Kernel
Lab 17.4: Kernel Development
Provide Directives at boot time to the Kernel
X Window System
X Window Components
X Display Manager
X Applications
Client Authentication
X Server Configuration
Server Security
Preventative Server Security
Layered Security
Reducing Spam and Attack by Limiting IP Addresses
Lab 17.1: iptables Firewall
Restrict Physical Access to Servers
Securing Services
Lab 17.2: List Current Services Listed in /etc/rc.d/init.d
Managing Services
Lab 17.3: Managing Services
Manage xinetd
Lab 17.4: Enabling rsync
Lab 17.5: Manage Access Control

Lab 17.6: Configuring tcp_wrappers
Verify Running Services with netstat
Securing The Firewall
Port Scan Attack Detector (psad)
psad Configuration File
Bastille Linux
Lab 17.7: Security Assessment
Bastille Questions
Securing the Network Connections
Lab 17.8: Review history
Lab 17.9: Review /etc/passwd

Using nmap
Ping Sweep
Securing Users
root Login
How to Use su root
User and Group Security
Attack Source
Deleting Users and Data
Firewall Introduction
Firewall Strategies
Network Tools
Lab 17.10 : Network Monitoring
Wireshark (Ethereal)
Remedial Server Security
Lab 17.11 : Rootkit Hunter
Lab 17.12 : AIDE

Social Engineering

Labs Highlighted in Green
Outline Categories in Blue

Apache Server
New Features in Apache 2.0
Main Configuration Files
Lab 19.1 Apache Install and Configuration
Loading Additional Modules
Making Modifications to Apache
Performance Tuning
Lab 19.2 Performance Tuning
Configuring the Number of Servers
Log Files
Lab 19.3 Viewing and Searching Logs
Virtual Hosting
Lab 19.4 Virtual Hosts for a Web Server
IP Based Hosting
Adding a MIME Type
Index Files
Access Control
Password Authentication
Lab 19.5 Create a Restricted Folder
.htaccess File
Setup CGI
Enable CGI scripts
Enhancing CGI Scripts
Start / Stop / Restart Apache
Start Apache at boot
Intro to SSL
What the Process of SSL Provides
SSL Communication
Encryption Configuration
Unsigned SSL Certificate
Creating an SSL Certificate
Process of Setting Up Certificate
Lab 19.6 Create a Self-Signed Certificate
Add SSL to Apache
Use Pre-Existing Keys
Upgrading an Older Server
Generate New Keys
Install PHP
Lab 19.7 Install PHP
Lab 19.8 MySQL Basics
Lab 19.9 MySQL Checks
Squid Proxy Server
Important Locations
Runat Startup
Hardware Requirements
Visible Hostname
Administrtive Contact
Lab 20.1 Basic Squid Set Up
VSFTP Server
Security Issues With FTP
Lab 21.1 Basic VSFTP Setup
Setting a umask
Create Anonymous Login
Controlling Access
Access Control With tcp_wrappers
Lab 21.2 Enable Local Access Only
Create Warning Banner
Set Up Virtual FTP
vsftp Man Page
vsftpd Company Example
Security Options
Start the Server
Server Listening
Configure the Firewall
Bastille Firewall
Logging In as User
Graphical Login
Limiting Users
Anonymous Server Setup
Anonymous Directory
Create a Login Banner
Lab 21.3 Create Server with Anonymous Logins
Anonymous Login
iptables Firewall
VSFTPD ans SELinux
Lab 21.4 Enhance Security Settings
Network File System
Uses for NFS
Quick Start
LAB 22.1 Basic NFS Set Up
LAB 22.2 Basic NFS Set Up with GUI

Sendmail Server
Sendmail Introduction
Mail Server Basics
Mail Access Protocols
Sendmail Basic Install
Sendmail Foundations
Foundation #1: Configuration Files
Foundation #2: The Queue
Foundation #3: Aliases
Lab 23.1 Mail Exercise
How Sendmail Works
Setting the Operating Mode
Daemon Mode
Queue Mode
Verbose Mode
Major Configuration Files
Creating VirtualUsers
Allowing Network Connections
Sendmail Security
Monitor Security Issues
M4 Processor
How to Use the M4 Processor
Control SPAM
Deny Relaying
Use the Access Database
Leave Spammer a Message
Use a Blackhole List Service
Reducing Spam and Attack by Limiting IP Addresses
Stop User Replys to SPAM
Lab 23.2 Testing the Basic Setup
Check Mail Stats
Undeliverable Mail
Mail Stats
Testing an Address
Mail Does Not Send
Rejected Mail
Lab 23.3 Sendmail Practical
DNS Server
How DNS Works
Zone File Examples
DNS Server
DNS Service
DNS Client
DNS Server Design
Options Statement
Zone Statements
Create a Zone Statement
Mail Requirements
Graphical Tools
Fully Qualified Domain Name
Hierarchical Structure
Top Level Domains
Name Servers
Zones vs Domains
Types of Name Servers
Registering a Domain
Lame Server
Test DNS Settings
Creating a chroot Jail
Install the Jail
Configure the Jail
Lab 24.1 DNS Step By Step Install Practical
Samba Server
Samba Introduction
Samba Install and Start
Sections in smb.conf
Create Shared Directory
LAB 24.1 Create a Public Share
Browsing the Network
Creating User Accounts
Home Directories
LAB 24.2 Manage Home Directories
Managing Groups
LAB 24.3 Manage Groups
Recycle Bin
LAB 24.4 Create a Recycle Bin
LAB 24.5 Using Variables
Virtual Samba Servers
Network Access Options
LAB 24.6 Network Access
DHCP Server
Basic Tips
LAB 25.1 DHCP Sever

Postfix Mail Server Course

OpenVZ Virtualized Server Course

Labs Highlighted in Green
Outline Categories in Blue

Introduction to Mail Servers
Postfix Design
Incoming Mail
The Queue
Outgoing Mail
Basic Configuration
Switch Default Mail to Postfix
Making Changes to
Consequences of Incorrect Hostname
Checking Postfix
Checking Logs
Managing Mail Limits
Queue Management
Postfix Commands
Lookup Tables
Lab #1: Basic Postfix Setup
SMTP Restrictions
Managing the SMTP Communication in the
Default Recipient Restrictions
Restrictions on hostname
Restrictions on Envelope Sender
Require an Existing Domain
Restrictions on Envelope Recipient
Reject Mail to Unqualified Recipient Names
Lab #2: Managing SMTPD Restrictions
Control Relays
How to Control Relays
Lab #3: Control Relays
Controlling SPAM
Client Detection Rules
Forged Addresses
Non-Routable Networks
Using a Blackhole
Address Sender Verification
Lab #4: Control SPAM
Postfix – Hosting Multiple Domains
Separate Domains with Virtual Accounts
Create Virtual Ownership
Using Dovecot with Multiple Domains
Virtual Domain Aliases
Catchall Mailboxes
Mailbox Locations
Lab #5: Change Mailbox Location
Mobile Users and SMTP Authentication
SASL Authentication Interface
Checking Postfix for SMTP AUTH Support
Server-Side Authentication
SMTP AUTH and Microsoft Outlook Express
Authenticate a Test User
Relay Permissions
Verify the State Directory
Lab #6: SMTP AUTH Support
Install Dovecot
Dovecot Security
Dovecot Configuration File
Start Dovecot
Testing Dovecot
Lab #7: Basic Postfix, Dovecot with Webmail
Introduction to a Mail Scanner
Install the ClamAV Daemon
Configure ClamAv
Freshclam Updates
Using Clamscan
Install SpamAssassin
Install amavisd-new
Install required Perl Modules
Edit the /etc/amavisd.conf
Connecting amavisd-new to Postfix
Connect ClamAV to amavisd-new
Postfix Mail Gateway
Postfix Security
Protection From Attack
Filtering Header and Body Content
Reducing Spam and Attack by Limiting IP Addresses
Lab #8: Firewall
Create a chroot Jail
Problem: virtual_alias.db Does Not Exist
Problem: Wrong Transport
Problem: No Local Recipient Maps for Virtual Domains

Labs Highlighted in Green
Outline Categories in Blue

Introduction to OpenVZ Projects

Choice of Linux Distribution
Project # 1: Installation
Project #2: Securing the Hardware Node
Verify Running Services with netstat
Securing The Firewall
Port Scan Attack Detector (psad)
psad Configuration File
Bastille Linux
Practice: Security Assessment
Project #3: Manage the Node Security
Layered Security
Securing Services
Practice: List Current Services Listed in
Managing Services
Project: Managing Services
Manage xinetd
Project #4: Create a Virtual Server
Project #5: Manage the VPS Firewal
Managing the Bridge Firewall on the Host
Port Scan Attack Detector (psad)
psad Configuration File
Bastille Linux
Project #6: Install Programs on the VPS
Project #7: Manage the Resources on
the VPS
Project #8: Clone the VPS
Project #9: Troubleshooting Resources on the VPS
Project #10: Managing Templates
Project #11: Connecting to a Serial Interface
Project #12: Using Multiple Network
Project #13: Splitting the
Hardware Node

Creating an Equal Share Script
Project #14: venet and veth Devices
Project #15: Virtualized Mail Gateway

Split the Mail Server into Equal Shares

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All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without written permission. Box 1262 Trout Creek, MT 59874