Access List Commands PDF Print E-mail

Access List Commands

access list-number specific access list
deny disallow if condition is met
permit allow if condition is met
protocol name or number of IP
source network or host IP from which packet originates
source-Wildcard wildcard bits applied to source
destination network or host IP to which packet is going
destination-Wildcard wildcard bits applied to destination
precedence prioritization of packet filters
tos filter packets by type of service
icmp-type filter packets by type
icmp-code filter packets by code
icmp-message filter packets by message
igmp-type filter by type
operator compare source or destination ports
port number or name of TCP or UDP port
established established connection
log information logging

eq match only packets on a specific port number
lt match only packets with a lower port number
gt match only packets with a greater port number
range match only packets in this range of port numbers