Ubuntu Software Center For Beginners
Desktop - Ubuntu

Ubuntu beginners should feel right at home adding and removing software applications using the Ubuntu Software Center tool, Ubuntu's graphical software management interface. For advancing Ubuntu beginners I've also written another tutorial and created a video that shows how to add and remove software from the Ubuntu terminal. Lets review how to add and remove software using this graphical interface. Open the Ubuntu Software Center by selecting Applications --- Ubuntu Software Center.

Adding New Software Using The Ubuntu Software Center

After you've opened the Ubuntu Software Center Window, select Get software on the left side, then one of the software departments on the right.

Ubuntu Software Center With Get Software Selected

After picking a department, select a sub category and then an application that you want to install. Click on either More Info or Install as shown in the screenshot below.

Ubuntu Software Center Software Installation

Next you'll notice the In Progress option appear in the left column. This shows the progress of all software being installed or removed.

Ubuntu Software Center Installation In Progress

You can also use the search field in the top left corner of the window to locate software you want to install.


Removing Software Using The Ubuntu Software Center

You can remove software using the Ubuntu Software Center by selecting the Installed Software option in the left column. This shows all installed software applications on your Ubuntu system. Select one and you'll notice the More Info and Remove buttons appear. Click remove and this software package will be added to the In Progress area and eventually removed.

Ubuntu Software Center Software Removal


Checking Software History In The Ubuntu Software Center

Select history in the column to the left and you can see changes to your software broken down by All, Installations, Updates, and Removals.

Ubuntu Software Center Software History


Step-By-Step Video of The Ubuntu Software Center

This video show how to add, remove and check software package history from inside of the Ubuntu Software Center window.