The Pencil, Paint, and Airbrush Tools
   The Pencil, Paint, and Airbrush Tools, which are located to the right respectively, are all very similar in the functions that they can perform. The Pencil, Paint, and Airbrush Tools work much like their real life equivalents. There is a wide variety of options to fine tune each tool. To actually use one of these tools, simply click on the canvas or image, and drag the mouse to start drawing and creating.
 The Pencil, Paintbrush, and Airbrush Options Boxes are very much the same. From here, fine tune each tool to specifically the right settings. Users may adjust Mode, Opacity, Brush, Gradient, and Pressure Sensitivity.

In addition, you can fade strokes and blend strokes. With the Airbrush option, set the Rate and the Pressure of the brush. Here in this example, the Pencil Tool was used to create text. In the Pencil Options Box, change the brush size and the color and the pencil. This example is only on a blank page of canvas, but users can also put the Pencil Tool on top of or behind images.

Once the Pencil, Paintbrush, or Airbrush Tools have been used, Gimp automatically adds another layer to the image that the user is working with. If one of these tools is used on top of another layer it can also consolidate the two layers into one single layer.