Desktop Apps Training - GIMP


The Rotation Tool

The Rotation Tool, located in the Gimp Toolbox, allows users to rotate a specific layer, selection, or path.

To perform rotation, click on the area of desired rotation and slowly drag the mouse in a circular motion until the required result is achieved.

In the Rotate Options Box, under the Gimp Toolbox, there are many options for rotation.

The first choice that is which one the three affects will be needed. Choose from Layers, Selections, or Paths. In this example the specific layer has been chosen.

The Transform direction option allows the user to choose if they want to rotate forwards or backwards. This means that if they choose the Backward option, then which ever way the they rotate the Layer, Selection, or Path, the final result will a exactly opposite rotation.


Grid lines automatically appear as rotation starts. The number of grid lines that appear are also available to set in the options box. Now, set constraints on the rotation.

As soon as the rotation of the Layer begins on the Selection, or Path, this Rotation Information Box automatically appears.

This box displays the angle at which the image is rotating and also X,Y coordinates. Here the coordinates are measured in pixels, but there are many unit options to choose from.

Finally, click “Rotate” to view the final product.

Here in the example, notice that the complete layer has been rotated.

This happened because in the Rotate Options Box, “Layer” was chosen instead of Selection or Path.

By choosing “Selection”, the image would have remained the same and the part of the imaged that would have rotated.