Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6
Server - CentOS


This example of a minimal desktop shows how to manually create partitions using ext3 and ext4 for a server that has a minimal desktop for a graphical interface. Here are the choices to complete that install.


  • Basic Storage Devices
  • Installation Type
  • Create Custom Layout
  • Custom Partitions (/boot - ext 3, / - ext4, /usr - ext4, swap)
  • Minimal Desktop



This time select “Create Custom Layout” at the installation type.

This will allow the creation of partitions and the choice of using regular filesystem, LVM or RAID. In this example partitions are created for a /boot partition using ext3, a / partition and /usr partition using ext4 and a SWAP partition.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Once the custom option is selected the first task is to delete all partitions and content that was on the drive. That is assuming that you are not saving any content from the drive. In this example a LVM still exists that must be deleted. Select it and the “Delete” option will be highlighted.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Here all partitions have been removed so now you are ready to create partitions.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


When the “Create” option is selected choose to create a “Standard Partition”. Once this is done you will need to choose the size, partition type and the mount point.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6



Here an ext3 /boot partition is created with the size of 200 MB. This size allows you to store several kernels in the /boot partition. Note this is a “Fixed Size”.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Once this is complete the partition should be visible. Note that it is checked to be formatted.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Next create a SWAP partition. The size typically represents 2x size of RAM up to 4 GB and 1x RAM after 4 GB.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Create a / partition with the ext4 file system. The size of this partition should be at least 6 GB for a minimal install. One aspect to think about, if you are using the standard partitions you will not be able to resize these later as you would if you were using LVM. 10 GB is a safe choice for a server if you are creating a separate /usr partition.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


The /usr partition which is ext4 then will take up the rest of the drive.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Once the partitions are complete you will be warned about writing the changes to disk, which wipes out all previous content.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


The boot loader should be loaded per the default.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6


Now choose the Minimal Desktop. This choice would be for those wanting some minimal GUI on a server.

Minimal Desktop Install on CentOS 6