Starting with Automatic Login
Desktop - Debian



If you are the only one using your workstation you may want an automatic login. I get tired of entering user and password each time I want to use the machine.  This is a simple solution.  Go to System/Administration/Login Screen on the menu.  Note that you will

have to use the root password to make changes.  Enter you password and then choose the user you want to login as automatically.

Login Settings

To make your life easier you may also want to have applications up and running when you login.  For example, since I use a terminal constantly on my desktop it is nice to have that up and running while I get that first cup of joe.  On the menu go to System/Preferences/Startup Applications and select the second tab for "Options".  Check the boxt to automatically remember what you are running.

Startup Application Preferences

Be careful, you can stupidlly shut down when you have a lot of programs running and the system will startup with all that stuff as well.  It works fine if you just manage it.