Firewall for Zimbra on Ubuntu 8.04

by Mike on February 26, 2009

in Postfix Mail Server

The Zimbra install suggests that you do not want to use a firewall.  Actually, this is not the wisest decision, you should have a firewall.

Ubuntu 8.04 (Zimbra does not support 8.10 yet)
One thing that is important to recognize in regard to the UFW firewall is that there are already several common rules that are configured into the firewall immediately.  One of those is the state rules that provide for any RELATED or ESTABLISHED connections.  This means that if you connect to a web server from a machine it will allow the information you requested from the web server to return based on the fact that the local machine established the connection and the returning information was related to that request.

Protocols and Ports you will need open:
SSH is actually so you can access using encrypted communication remotely.  You can eliminate this if you are not going to use that from the command line.
SSH (22)
WEB (80)
Zimbra Administration (7071)
SMTP (25)
POP3  (110)
IMAP (143)

Optional Ports if using Secure Connections
If you do not set up the secure ports, don’t use these. If you want secure connections and not the 110,143 connections above eliminate the insecure connections.
HTTPS (443)
SMTPS (465)
IMAPS (993)
POP3S (995)

ufw allow http
Rules updated
# ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 22
Rules updated
# ufw enable
Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
Firewall started and enabled on system startup

ufw allow proto tcp to any port 22
Rules updated
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 80
Rules updated
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 25
Rules updated
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 110
Rules updated
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 143
Rules updated
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 7071
Rules updated

# ufw status
Status: loaded

To                         Action  From
–                         ——  —-
80/tcp                     ALLOW   Anywhere
25/tcp                     ALLOW   Anywhere
110/tcp                    ALLOW   Anywhere
143/tcp                    ALLOW   Anywhere
7071/tcp                   ALLOW   Anywhere
22/tcp                     ALLOW   Anywhere


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