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Desktop Training Ubuntu 50 Day - Laptop Give Away

50 Day - Laptop Give Away

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We are giving away a laptop to the author of the most original articles written in 50 days.
If you are an author looking for a way to get a laptop this contest is for you!

The Laptop Giveway contest is now complete..unfortunately we did not have any entries for the contest so the Laptop will now be sold.

The Laptop:
Used Dell Latitude Laptop with 256 RAM.
* 750 MHz
* 10.1 Hard Drive
* Floppy Drive
* Battery that works
* Ethernet connection
* Modem
* Comes Loaded with gOS Linux
* gOS Training CD included is designed to provide you with Linux Desktop Training, Applications Training and Server Training. Also included are Linux Distribution CDs, manuals and books.


What type of video training would you like to see?

Linux Distro Choices


Product of the Week