Internal API Reference - Double-linked Lists
Desktop Apps Training - Policy Kit

Doubly-linked lists — Doubly-linked lists



kit_bool_t (*KitListForeachFunc) (KitList *list,
void *data,
void *user_data);
KitList* kit_list_append (KitList *list,
void *data);
KitList* kit_list_prepend (KitList *list,
void *data);
void kit_list_free (KitList *list);
KitList* kit_list_delete_link (KitList *list,
KitList *link);
size_t kit_list_length (KitList *list);
kit_bool_t kit_list_foreach (KitList *list,
KitListForeachFunc func,
void *user_data);


This class provides support for doubly-linked lists.




typedef struct {
void *data;
KitList *next;
KitList *prev;
} KitList;

Public members of the KitList data structure


void *data;

the value passed in kit_list_append() and kit_list_prepend()

KitList *next;

the next element in the list or NULL if this is the last element

KitList *prev;

the previous element in the list or NULL if this is the last element

KitListForeachFunc ()

kit_bool_t          (*KitListForeachFunc)               (KitList *list,
void *data,
void *user_data);

Type signature for callback function used in kit_list_foreach().


list :

the list

data :

data of link entry

user_data :

user data passed to kit_list_foreach()

Returns :

Return TRUE to short-circuit, e.g. stop the iteration.

kit_list_append ()

KitList*            kit_list_append                     (KitList *list,
void *data);

Append an entry to a list.


list :

existing list or NULL to create a new list

data :

data to append to the list

Returns :

the head of the new list or NULL on OOM

kit_list_prepend ()

KitList*            kit_list_prepend                    (KitList *list,
void *data);

Prepend an entry to a list.


list :

existing list or NULL to create a new list

data :

data to prepend to the list

Returns :

the head of the new list or NULL on OOM

kit_list_free ()

void                kit_list_free                       (KitList *list);

Frees all links in a list


list :

the list

kit_list_delete_link ()

KitList*            kit_list_delete_link                (KitList *list,
KitList *link);

Delete a link from a list.


list :

existing list, cannot be NULL

link :

link to delete, cannot be NULL

Returns :

the new head of the list or NULL if the list is empty after deletion.

kit_list_length ()

size_t              kit_list_length                     (KitList *list);

Compute the length of a list.


list :

the list

Returns :

Number of entries in list

kit_list_foreach ()

kit_bool_t          kit_list_foreach                    (KitList *list,
KitListForeachFunc func,
void *user_data);

Iterate over all entries in a list.


list :

the list

func :

callback function

user_data :

user data to pass to callback

Returns :

TRUE only if the callback short-circuited the iteration