Image Editing
Desktop Apps Training - Draw

Image Editing

Often times you will have a scanned picture, a digital image or an image off the Internet that you want to edit. Draw provides several features to provide image editing. First, you need to work with a raster object. That is an image that displays pixels. In a raster image each pixel is a rectangular image that displays a color. Common formats of a raster image would be a JPEG, GIF or BMP. Vector graphics are made up of many individual objects that have individual properties assigned to them.

In order to demonstrate the use of Draw for image editing we will use this picture.


When you click on a raster image the Object Bar changes to the graphics version. This Object Bar provides the ability to filter, change colors, alter the contrast and to modify intensity.

The Filter icon will allow us to change the image to Grayscale, Black//white or make the image a Watermark. Simply click on the image and choose and option from the Filter icon and the image will be changed.

In this example the image has been changed to a Watermark that could be used as a background to a document for example.


Another change that is often needed for images is to change the color levels.



These three windows on the object bar allow
you to alter the Red, Blue and Green colors of the image by changing the percentage of each color.

Typically scanned images come out darker than intended. By using the Brightness and Contrast windows you can clean up an image that is too dark or needs to have a better contrast.


 The Gamma and Transparency values can be changed by using the two windows also available on the Object Bar.