Desktop Apps Training - Liferea
Of all of the news feeders out there for the Gnome operating system i suggest Liferea because its feature set looks to be ahead of the pack. Now if you use KDE you may consider Akregator due to its Konqueror integration and KDE base. Liferea can reed many formats including RSS/RDF, CDF, Atom, OCS, and OPML.  Some other features included are website scrape filters and postprocess feeds, podcasts and more. In addition to its many features Liferea is quick and clear compared to many other news feeders. Because of the popularity of the Liferea application it is available in most package managers. I was able to use # yum install liferea After I waited for the download to complete i closed my terminal and selected Applications --- Internet --- Liferea Feed ReaderAfter Liferea completely loaded i selected a feed category from the left side of the window and noticed many feeds for that category displayed in the right  panel. These news feeds can be sorted by Date or Headline.  After you select an article it is displayed in the bottom right panel. Across the top of the panel you can select Flag, Bookmark or Search. Flagging it will mark it to not be removed from cache etc. The bookmark feature allows you to save important pages and the search option lets you search through articles using keywords to find new ones. Liferea offers a few different view modes including normal view, wide view,  and combined view. The Normal view fills the upper right pane contains with a list of all headlines of the selected feed and then the selected headline is shown in the lower right pane.The wide view consists of a middle pane that contains a list of all headlines of the selected feed and then the selected headline is shown in the right pane. The combined view combines all of the headlines for the selected feed in the right pane. If you want to change the view the click on the View button on the main menu to see these different viewing options.Across the top are a few shortcut icons like New Subscription, Next Unread, Mark As Unread, Update All, Search All Feeds, and Preferences.   Liferea is a very good feed reader and in my opinion the best for Gnome. The reason for this is the simplicity and speed of the software is amazing. Other feed readers often come across to me as bulky while others featureless. Liferea is the perfect balance of features and simplicity. If you're interested in using Liferea with your web browser, many browser integration options exist.