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File Menu

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Using the File Menu

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The New option under the File Menu allows the user to open a brand new project. Users don't have to save previous projects that he or she have been working on because Dia will open a whole new window when New in selected. Finally, users may view the window that diagrams are created on.



To open a new diagram click Open under the File Menu. This will prompt the user to the Open Diagram window. To open a previously saved diagram, find that path that it is located in the Directories box. Double click every folder to navigate through all of the directories. Once the file has been found, select it and click OK. Notice that on the top part of the window, a user can Create Directories, Delete Files, or Rename Files.


The next option on the File Menu is the Diagram Tree. This option is for running several different diagrams at one time. This tree is used to organize and navigate to find a diagram.. This feature uses the standard tree method of navigation. The Diagram Tree also allows the user to view all of the objects used inside of that particular diagram.


The Sheets and Objects option under the File Menu allows the user to view all of the objects that are in a particular section. This particular example is using the Network Object Section. Then by using the interactive buttons on the bottom of the window, the user can add a new object, copy to another object section, move to another object section, edit an object, or remove an object. This is an excellent customary tool so that a user can diagram easier and faster.


The Preferences option under the File Menu allows the user to make some customary changes to the program. The five tabs involved in the Preferences window contain options such as, number of undo levels, default size of diagram window upon startup, color, gridlines, and the default size of the Diagram Tree.


After clicking the Plugins option under the File Menu, a small window appears. From this window users may load and unload Object Sections that are used in Dia. Users have the capability of unloading unwanted diagrams from the system. The actual program has the possibility of booting faster upon startup of Dia. When a user is selecting an Object Section, the window displays all of the information for that particular plug-in, such as it's name, file name, description, and status.


The last option on the File Menu is Quit. This will close all of the windows that a user currently had open at that time. When a user chooses Quit and they have not previously saved a diagram, Dia will inquire whether to save the current diagram(s).

