OpenSuse Users and Groups |
Desktop Training - OpenSuse |
To access the user and group options on the OpenSuse desktop select the Control Panel from the main menu. With the control panel open select User Management.
Enter your root password Under the User and Group Administration - YaST window you may select and display Users or Groups. You can sort your users by login, name, UID, or group name and you can sort groups by group name, id, or group members. Below we can see the Groups button selected. Below the display window we can choose to select the Add, Edit, or Delete Buttons. To Add a new user select the Add button. After creating a user you can still change the users information by selecting the user and clicking the Edit button. To remove a user all together, click on the Delete button. Below you can see the New Local User window which allows us to set User Data, Details, Password Settings, and Plugins. Under the User Data tab, we need to fill out the full name, user name, and password for the user being created.
The details tab lets us set a number of important user options such as what group they exist in. Also you can change user ID, users home directory, premission mode, login shell, and default group. After your finished selecting the user information click on the Accept button. If we select the Add button while in group mode we will see the New Local Group window shown below. Here we need to pick a group name, id, and password. Also be sure to select the group member by clicking on the checkboxes next to their names.
By clicking on the Plug-ins tab you can set things like user quotas and more.